Monday, February 4, 2008

All Packed

Last night during supper, Stephanie happened to mention that we should begin to think about what we want to do for vacation this year.

Will and Ben picked up on this. After supper, the boys, lead by Will, began to pack for the "trip". They pulled clothes out of their dresser and packed them into an assortment of "suitcases". These included the briefcase-like container for some blocks, a toy drum (has a removable top to place other toy instruments in for storage) and some plastic bins used for storing toys, emptied out and retrieved from the basement.

When I questioned Will about where he thought we should go on vacation, one of the suggestions he gave, which caught his fancy, was California. I asked what would we do in California. "Make new friends", was the reply.

A little while later, he announced that they were "All packed", and that they had packed a lot of clothes because we would be in California for a looong time (imagine the hand sweeping from one side of the body to the other as he said this), in order to make lots of friends. Can you tell that he's a people person? :-)

*** This morning (2/4) Stephanie took a picture of some of the "suitcases".

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