Thursday, September 27, 2007

"My special time with Jesus"

Recently, in trying to explain to the boys what a quiet time is and why I have it, I referred to it as "My special time with Jesus".

I had been doing some work in the garage today and had gotten dirty and sweaty. Since I was taking the kids to a play date this evening, I took a quick shower after supper. As I was getting dressed, Stephanie knocked on the bathroom door and told me that I would want to see this. So I came out. Will was on the love seat in the living room, having his "special time with Jesus". The love seat is where I do my quiet time in the mornings. He had gotten out his Bible, my sheet of "Truth Principles for Daily Living" verses, my index cards of memory verses and my pen. He was about to write on my index cards because I have a journal I keep and I write in it every quiet time. I had Stephanie give him another notebook with empty pages so that I would not have scribbles on my index cards. He diligently "wrote" on the notebook page.

After we returned from our play date and had done all of our bedtime routine, he disappeared into the living room. I went in to investigate. He was once again, having his special time with Jesus. Since it was way past the usual bedtime hour, I said he could have a few minutes but then would need to come to bed. He immediately bowed his head and began praying.

How this thrills and warms my heart. I thank God for His faithfulness and His drawing of my son to Himself even at this early age. I know that Will does not fully comprehend what it means to have a relationship with God and a lot of what he is doing is just to copy his dad, but it's setting him off in the right direction early. It encourages me to persevere and reminds me that my kids are always watching, so I have to be very careful to model what I want to see develop in them.

Speaking of praying, Ben feels the need to pray every time we pray at a meal or at bed time. So I let him pray and then I pray. It's great, except he only has one prayer that is said no matter the occasion. "Jesus, thank you for bringing me this food. Amen." I'll have to work on getting him to change things up. At least he wants to pray and is comfortable praying out loud with his family.

Back to Will. Sometimes Will will ask a why question and Stephanie or I will respond, "I don't know. You will have to ask God." Lately, whenever this happens, he immediately bows his head and proceeds to ask God. I love it. Same thing happens if he's concerned about something and we suggest he pray, he immediately does so.

Praise be to God for His goodness and may He honor my sons' faith.


Anonymous said...

You also had a consistent prayer you always wanted to pray as a child. It was "Dear God, please help us to have fun." At least you were praying! Ben's prayer shows what's important to him. God can work with that.


Anonymous said...

Just followed the link from Steph's blog today. This is very sweet! I remember when I was little and visiting my grandmother, she was reading the Bible EVERY morning when I woke up. I can still see her sitting at her kitchen table, holding her head just so, so that she could read through her glasses. It was very early...and she'd always been up for hours already. Then, in college I went to visit her some weekends. I had to leave early in the morning to drive back to campus so it was really just very neat to be sitting beside her at the kitchen table...both of us reading silently. It was really powerful when I thought about it because I was just starting out in life. I had no clue. And here she was with children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. I hadn't met Todd yet. She'd been a widow for decades at that point. She was the seasoned veteran in life and I was just starting out, but both of us had the same need. I know you and Stephanie are...and it's exciting that we can all point our children to the Source for every need they'll ever have! :) (Did I beat my longest comment record?) Christie in NC