Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Carbon (Carbon-14) Dating

I'm not a scientist but I am interested in scientific facts. Science classes, especially physics, were my favorite in high school. Because of the impact on one's belief in our origins, the science of origins is an area of interest to me. In the debate between Creation and evolution, one of the issues revolves around the age of the universe and specifically, the age of the earth and the things on\in it. One dating method that I've heard come up in these debates is 14C (carbon-14) dating.

Based on what I've read in the Bible, and what I've read about the scientific evidence supporting the Bible, I place myself in the young-earth Creationist camp.

Anyway, here's a not too technical article on carbon dating, provided by Answers in Genesis. Also, here is a good article from their latest issue of Answers magazine on defining science with the people you are communicating with so that everyone is on the same page.

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