Friday, September 14, 2007

A Experiment in Translation

I'm a member of a Yahoo group. Recently I saw a post from a university professor in the Information Technology department who said one of the assignments they give in their AI (artificial intelligence) class is to have the students find an online translation system, pick a language, have five sentences translated from English to the other language and then translate it back to English. This is to show the students the state of machine translation systems.

I decided to give this a whirl here on my blog. I chose the Babel Fish translation service. It's sort of like an online game of telephone that I used to play as a kid.

Original English
I like to eat donuts. My favorite is a Boston creme donut. The chocolate on the top and the creme in the middle, can't beat it. I also like plain glazed donuts and ones with chocolate icing. I know that they are not good for me but they sure taste good!

Italian Translation
Gradisco mangiare le guarnizioni di gomma piuma. Il mio favorito è una guarnizione di gomma piuma della crema de Boston. Il cioccolato sulla parte superiore e sulla crema nella metà, non può batterlo. Inoltre gradisco le guarnizioni di gomma piuma semplicemente lustrate ed un con la glassa del cioccolato. So che non sono buone per me ma gusto sicuro buon!

New English Translation From the Italian
I appreciate to eat the rubber packings piuma. My favorite is one rubber packing piuma of the cream de Boston. The chocolate on the advanced part and the cream in the half, cannot strike it. Moreover I appreciate the simply lustrate rubber packings piuma and with the glassa of the chocolate. I know that they are not good for me but good sure taste!

And there you have it! Close to gibberish =). I guess piuma does not translate back to English, but I definitely don't want to eat any rubber packings!

Let's give French a try.

French Translation
J'aime manger des butées toriques. Mon favori est une butée torique de crème de Boston. Le chocolat sur le dessus et la crème au milieu, ne peut pas le battre. J'aime également les butées toriques tout simplement glacées et ceux avec le glaçage de chocolat. Je sais qu'elles ne sont pas bonnes pour moi mais elles goût sûr bon !

New English Translation from French
I like to eat toric thrusts. My favourite is a toric thrust of cream of Boston. The chocolate on the top and the cream in the medium, cannot beat it. I also like the quite simply frozen toric thrusts and those with the chocolate glazing. I know that they are not good for me but they sure taste good!

Well, that sounds a bit questionable. I think it came closer to having more of the original content than the translation of the Italian translation. Is this where the phrase "lost in translation" came from?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious! Now you know what we go through trying to use another language. Mom