Sunday, November 4, 2007

November 4, 2007 Update

About a week and a half ago, I blogged that I was going to go to the Rock The Sound concert this past Saturday. As Proverbs 16:9 says, paraphrased, my plans were not God's plans. I did not make it to the concert.

To sum it up briefly, last Saturday my wife took a pregnancy test, which tested positive. This Saturday she had a miscarriage. You can go to my wife's blog to read more details: Discovery and loss. We are doing well, but are of course grieving. It's amazing how quickly one's heart can make room for a new child. We trust God and know that He is good no matter what trials come our way.

I do want to recount a conversation thread I had with my oldest child, Will, who is four and a half. We had told the kids about the pregnancy and he had been really excited. On Saturday, he perceived that I was sad and asked me why. I put him off until nap time when I could talk to him one on one. I did so, letting him know that the baby had died and was in heaven with God and that we would see him or her one day when we got to heaven.

Among the many questions and comments Will asked and made throughout the rest of the day was the comment that we had not named the baby. I replied that no, we had not but that I was sure God would give the baby a name.

On Sunday, I took the boys and made a trip to Wal-Mart that had been planned for Saturday but never happened. On the way, Will asked a question that really touched me.

"Dad, when we get to heaven, can we ask God what He named the baby?"

"Yes son. We can definitely do that."


Anonymous said...

It is a comfort and joy to know that in God's presence all unexplained sorrows and events will become clear. Praying for you as you grieve.

Much love, Mom

Mr. E said...

I love the question your son asked. It puts all things into a great perspective. One day your wife, son and you will get to great your child in Heaven. It's comforting to think, that he, or she, will be waiting there for you.

God Bless you and your family.