Sunday, October 7, 2007

So Long, Fare Well

Today we officially gave away the TV and DVD player to a friend from church. It was not hard for me. Ever since I surrendered them and unplugged them, they were gone in my mind. Today was just the final conclusion to that surrender.

I received a comment asking how it was going without the TV. I think it is going very well. The boys, especially Will, still ask to watch something periodically, but those times a growing fewer. I think it is certainly helping me focus on the more important things in my life - God and family. That's just one less thing to compete for the limited amount of time I have.

My wife and I are pretty consistent now about having a prayer time together after the kids are in bed. We have missed one or two nights here or there, but for the most part we are consistent. It has been good in that it has help us (me) share more and to help me know how to better pray for her.

My walk with God is better - there is less garbage that I have to clean out or fight against now that I'm not letting so much in. I'm getting to read more. And I'm typically going to bed earlier now, which is definitely a good thing.

Getting rid of the TV has definitely been worth the sacrifice, even in this short amount of time. I would recommend it to anyone, even to our friend to whom we gave the TV and DVD player :-).

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