Sunday, March 1, 2009

Guess Which One

I may regret doing this, but I'm posting a picture of some friends and I from seventh grade. A friend posted this on facebook. "So young", is the thought that keeps going through my mind.

Besides family, can anyone guess which one is me?

As a bonus question, why are we wearing white gloves?

**** UPDATE ****

Congratulations to all who guessed that I was the short one in the right front of the picture. And congratulations to those who guessed that the white gloves were for handbells. That is correct. Marc is the grand winner, as he was the first to comment and he got them both right. I may be misremembering, but I think he played handbells during our college years, at church. As for the prize Marc, it's the thrill of victory - ain't it sweet?! Ya, I'm cheap frugal wise with my resources like that.


Marc and Charity said...

Joel, you are definitely the one in the front on the right. As to the gloves, I would guess you were playing handbells.


Anonymous said...

Amazing that you've gotten in touch with any of those guys! That was a long time ago. Which one? Keith?


Wherever HE Leads We'll Go said...

How funny! You do look really young in this picture, but to me, you don't look all that different today. There is no doubt that you are the one in front on the right.

As for the gloves - no idea - I don't think I have ever seen boys wear white gloves, but what do I know?

Mr. E said...

Not sure which one is you, probably the short one in front on the right! The gloves are for playing handbells?

Westafricanrains said...

Dude. You look exactly the same only older.

Jenn said...

HA!! Don't you love the 80's? LOL You do look the same! Doesn't it make you wonder what the kids will look like years from now? As for the gloves-- no idea.