Saturday, November 15, 2008

"Soul Provider"

This is a book review on Soul Provider by Tim Elmore.

Synopsis: This book is for men and is intended to provide them with a practical framework for being a spiritual leader. Tim Elmore first defines what spiritual leadership is and what it is not. He discusses barriers to being a good spiritual leader. Then he discusses the four roles of a spiritual leader - as a model, a minister, a mentor and a manager.

Review: My friend Andy loaned me this book a good while back. (Sorry Andy for having kept it so long, I'll try and get it back to you tomorrow at church.) During the time I've had it, I have read it twice. The book is fairly short, only 140 pages long, so it can be a quick read. However, in order to get the most out of it, you need to go through it slowly, thoughtfully and prayerfully, and possibly more than once. Each chapter has some application questions to make you analyze and apply what you are reading.

This is a very good book and I recommend it to all men, because we are all spiritual leaders, regardless of whether you're in an official ministry position or not, married or not, a father or not. I like how it provides the scriptural basis for the points and is more practical than philosophical in how these points should be accomplished.

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